Watching and waiting

I haven’t updated my blog in ages. Aside from being very busy with work, I’m playing the long game with my crypto and just watching and waiting.

If you recall I have Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin with Coinbase and Ripple with Kracken.

My Coinbase overall wallet is worth £422 today but I have seen it plummet to below £200 and above £460 over recent months. My  Kraken Ripple is worth around 50 Euro and whilst Ripple is a little more stable than some currencies, I’m also at the mercy of the pound to euro rate on this account !

So I’m sitting around £460 from my original £200 investment.

Over recent weeks I have seen huge swings in all currencies and thought I wish I had the time to sell at the peak and buy in the troughs to see if I can grow the pot some more.

The truth is I’m nervous and I haven’t had the time but maybe that should be my next challenge to blog about !

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